CMT 800.622.11 Adjustable Corner Round Bit, 1-11/32-Inch Diameter, 1/2-Inch Shank

$ 74.89 $ 111.40
  • CMT 800.622.11 Adjustable Corner Round Bit, 1-11/32-Inch Diameter, 1/2-Inch Shank


CMT 800.622.11 Adjustable Corner Round Bit, 1-11/32-Inch Diameter, 1/2-Inch Shank

$ 74.89 $ 111.40

Save time by rounding both edges on a bord in one pass, instead using roundover bits that require two passes. To use on all materiales like plywood, softwood and hardwood. To be used on table-monted routers avoid using these bits in hand-held routers. 2 Carbide-tipped cutting edges for long-lasting performance, anti-kickback design to allow you to work safely and bearing for easy template work. CMT orange bits have been rated the #1 overall router bits compared to other brands (Wood Magazine).

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Save time by rounding both edges on a bord in one pass, instead using roundover bits that require two passes. To use on all materiales like plywood, softwood and hardwood. To be used on table-monted routers avoid using these bits in hand-held routers. 2 Carbide-tipped cutting edges for long-lasting performance, anti-kickback design to allow you to work safely and bearing for easy template work. CMT orange bits have been rated the #1 overall router bits compared to other brands (Wood Magazine).